Monday, October 15, 2018

New type of nerve stimulation relieves chronic back pain
So, concludes a study from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL, that featured recently at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists in San Francisco, CA.
The new therapy is called dorsal root ganglion (DRG) stimulation, and it works by targeting only the nerve fibers carrying signals from the source of pain. Unlike spinal cord stimulation, it avoids nerve fibers that convey messages from non-painful regions.
The recent study evaluated the impact on pain and disability of permanent DRG stimulator implants in people with chronic pain in their lower extremities and back.
Those who received the DRG stimulation says lead author Robert J. McCarthy, who is a professor of anesthesiology at Rush Medical College, "had tried numerous therapies, from drugs to spinal cord stimulation to surgery, but got little to no lasting pain relief."
They reported "significant improvement in pain even after a year, which is notable," he suggests, adding that, "For most, DRG stimulation really improved their quality of life."
A summary of the research is available in the ASA abstracts archive.
Chronic back pain
Although it often accompanies many persistent medical conditions, scientists increasingly believe that chronic pain is a "health concern on its own."
Chronic pain is pain that continues for at least 3 months. It arises when the pain signals that travel to the brain along nerve fibers persist, even though the source of the pain has disappeared.
Estimates for 2016 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that around 1 in 5 adults in the United States. live with chronic pain, with around 8 percent having "high-impact chronic pain."
The total annual cost to the U.S. of chronic pain — including the cost of medical treatments, disability programs, and productivity loss — is estimated to be around $560 billion.
Every year, up to 25 percent of people in the U.S. experience some form of low-back pain. For some, the pain persists and becomes chronic, with a total cost of around $100 billion per year.
Spinal cord and DRG stimulation
Spinal cord stimulation treatment involves implanting a small device that sends low-voltage electrical impulses along a wire placed along the spinal cord. The effect is to block pain signals from reaching the brain.
Dorsal root ganglia are clusters of nerve cells — located on each side of the spinal vertebra — that relay pain and sensory signals coming from various parts of the body to the spinal cord and brain.
DRG stimulation disrupts the signals by delivering small electrical pulses through a wire placed alongside the specific DRG associated with the source of the pain. This replaces extreme pain with a more bearable sensation, such as numbness or tingling.
Scientists implant the device, which looks like a small pacemaker, in the lower back under the skin. A pain specialist sets the amount of current that it delivers according to the amount of pain a person experiences.
The idea of DRG stimulation is attractive because, unlike spinal cord stimulation, it only targets the affected nerves. Another reason is that it requires lower levels of electrical current since less spinal fluid covers the targeted DRG than covers the spinal cord.
Prof. McCarthy and his team investigated the effectiveness of DRG stimulation in 67 people with chronic back pain by following them for 3-18 months after implantation. Of these, 17 had the implant for at least 12 months.
'Clinically significant' improvement
People self-assessed their levels of pain on a scale of 1–10 — with 10 representing "the worst pain imaginable" — both before implantation and during follow-up meetings.
Before receiving their DRG implant, most of those in the study rated their pain at level 8. Afterward, the most common pain score was 5, which represents a drop of 33 percent. The researchers describe the improvement as "clinically significant."
There was also a similar decrease in self-reported disability, with a median drop of 27 percent. Researchers defined disability as "limitations in daily living" caused by pain.
When asked if the treatment was helpful, 94 percent of those receiving it said yes.
One person had to have the DRG stimulator removed because of a complication, two people had to have their devices removed following infection, and five others had to have the wires re-inserted.
Prof. McCarthy notes that the DRG stimulator device is not an easy option because of the difficulty involved in placing the electrodes accurately. It could be an alternative, however, for those people who have not experienced any benefit from other treatments.
It could also "reduce or eliminate the need for opioids," he concludes.
"There is a real need for non-drug therapy relief for people with chronic pain.

Today at the news stands
Daily Graphic:
*Cargo tracking starts today
*My integrity intimidates, threatens some people – Rawlings
*Eden Heights launches luxury apartments
*Teacher dies in Mangoase SHS accident
*Gov’t saves $7.6bn in power deals
*I didn’t kill judges – Rawlings roars
*Auditor General sued
The Publisher
*I would have killed judges in 1979 – Rawlings
*Alibaba, Whale Cloud partners gov’t on innovative city development
*Pastor drowns chasing offering bowl
*’Wee’ found in Methodist Church
*I will campaign in schools
The Daily Statesman
*Ghana to strengthen bonds with La Francophone – Akufo-Addo
*Power deal review to save Ghana $586m
*Alibaba to partner Ghana in innovative city project
*NDC’s bloated capacity arrangements siphoned millions
* Banking sector not in crisis; 7 failed banks had less than 10% of industry's assets, remaining local banks stable - Dr Addison
* We are open to offers for new airline - Aviation Minister
* EXIM Bank backs 1D1F with GhC417m
Economy Times
* SOEs make GH¢1.2bn losses
* Ghana weighs Green Bonds to fund US$200m in Solar projects
* NIC to announce new minimum capital for insurers soon
* Desperate NDC supports Akamba for inciting students to hoot at @NAkufoAddo - Kpemka
* Experts differ on Election of MMDCEs
Goldstreet Business
* Suspected money laundering cases on the rise as FIC receives 2,010 STRs in 6 years
* Local architects equally competent
* Akufo-Addo to launch maiden Oil and Gas Licensing Round today
New Crusading Guide
* CTN to boost revenue by $50m months project takes of today
* Suhum MCE blows GH¢ 160,000 on 3-unit classroom blocks
* Bagbin supporters jubilate over attack non @JDMahama
* Teacher dead, 40 injured in gory accident
* Mahean youth to hit street over Ablekuma curve-Mahean road
* James Town Mantse to be buried October 20
*Cargo tracking starts today
*My integrity intimidates, threatens some people – Rawlings
*Eden Heights launches luxury apartments
*Teacher dies in Mangoase SHS accident
*Gov’t saves $7.6bn in power deals
*I didn’t kill judges – Rawlings roars
*Auditor General sued
The Publisher
*I would have killed judges in 1979 – Rawlings
*Alibaba, Whale Cloud partners gov’t on innovative city development
*Pastor drowns chasing offering bowl
*’Wee’ found in Methodist Church
*I will campaign in schools
The Daily Statesman
*Ghana to strengthen bonds with La Francophone – Akufo-Addo
*Power deal review to save Ghana $586m
*Alibaba to partner Ghana in innovative city project
*NDC’s bloated capacity arrangements siphoned millions
* Banking sector not in crisis; 7 failed banks had less than 10% of industry's assets, remaining local banks stable - Dr Addison
* We are open to offers for new airline - Aviation Minister
* EXIM Bank backs 1D1F with GhC417m
Economy Times
* SOEs make GH¢1.2bn losses
* Ghana weighs Green Bonds to fund US$200m in Solar projects
* NIC to announce new minimum capital for insurers soon
* Desperate NDC supports Akamba for inciting students to hoot at @NAkufoAddo - Kpemka
* Experts differ on Election of MMDCEs
Goldstreet Business
* Suspected money laundering cases on the rise as FIC receives 2,010 STRs in 6 years
* Local architects equally competent
* Akufo-Addo to launch maiden Oil and Gas Licensing Round today
New Crusading Guide
* CTN to boost revenue by $50m months project takes of today
* Suhum MCE blows GH¢ 160,000 on 3-unit classroom blocks
* Bagbin supporters jubilate over attack non @JDMahama
* Teacher dead, 40 injured in gory accident
* Mahean youth to hit street over Ablekuma curve-Mahean road
* James Town Mantse to be buried October 20

Libya, a mostly desert and oil-rich country with an ancient history, has more recently been known for the 42-year rule of the mercurial Col Muammar Gaddafi - and the chaos that followed his departure.
Libya, a mostly desert and oil-rich country with an ancient history, has more recently been known for the 42-year rule of the mercurial Col Muammar Gaddafi - and the chaos that followed his departure.
Libya was under foreign rule for centuries until it gained independence in 1951. Soon after oil was discovered and earned the country immense wealth.
Col Gaddafi seized power in 1969 and ruled for four decades until he was toppled in 2011 following an armed rebellion assisted by Western military intervention.
In recent years the country has been a key springboard for migrants heading for Europe. Concerns have also been raised over the rise of Islamist militancy there.

Dadumi Duminta:Ashiryanake dana bawa Nigeria rance
Mainai man takara kujerar shugaban kasa wato Atiku Abubakar yace"Ashirya take dayabawa yen Nigeria rance
*Inda nazama shugaban kasa ashirye nake dabiyan ma,aikata akan lokaci,da kuma kara daukan ma,aikata
*yakara da cewa"Ashirya nake damabawa duk wani Dan Nigeria Wanda baya aikin gwamnati Albashin #20,000
*yakara da cewa"Ina da kudi shedane saidai nabawa yen Nigeria rance badai subani ba, za muyine kawai don farfado da arzikin kasar mu
*Inda nazama shugaban kasa ashirye nake dabiyan ma,aikata akan lokaci,da kuma kara daukan ma,aikata
*yakara da cewa"Ashirya nake damabawa duk wani Dan Nigeria Wanda baya aikin gwamnati Albashin #20,000
*yakara da cewa"Ina da kudi shedane saidai nabawa yen Nigeria rance badai subani ba, za muyine kawai don farfado da arzikin kasar mu

James is walking on a downtown street one day, and he happens to see his old high school friend, Harry, a little ways up ahead. "Harry, Harry, how are you?" he greets his old buddy after getting his attention.
"Not so good," says Harry.
"Why, what happened?" James queries.
"Well," Harry says, "I just went bankrupt and Ive still got to feed my family. I dont know what Im going to do."
"Could have been worse," James replies calmly. "Could have been worse."
A month or so later, James again encounters Harry, in a restaurant. "And how are things now?" he asks.
"Terrible!" says Harry. "Our house burned down last night."
"Could have been worse," says James, again with total aplomb, and goes about his business.
A month later, James runs into Harry a third time. "Well, how goes it?" he inquires.
"Oh!" says Harry. "Things just get worse and worse. Its one tragedy after another! Now my wife has left me!"
Harry nods his head and gives his usual optimistic-seeming little smile, accompanied by his usual words: "Couldve been worse."
This time, Harry grabs James by the shoulders. "Wait a minute!" he says. "Im not gonna let you off so easy this time. Three times in the past few months weve run into one another, and every time Ive told you the latest disaster in my life. Every time you say the same thing: Could have been worse. This time, for Gods sake, Harry, I want you to tell me: how in Heavens name could it have been any worse?"
James looks at Harry with the same little wisp of a smile. "Could have been worse," he says. "Could have happened to me."
He asks the assistant “Do you have ‘European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2? I believe it was released this week.”
“Certainly,” replies the assistant. “Would you like to listen before you buy it?”
"That would be wonderful," says the expert, and puts on a pair of headphones.
He listens for a few moments and says to the assistant, “Im terribly sorry, but I am the worlds leading expert on European wasps and this is not accurate at all. I dont recognize any of those sounds. Are you sure this is the correct recording?”
The assistant checks the turntable, and replies that it is indeed European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2. The assistant apologizes and lifts the needle onto the next track.
Again the expert listens for a few moments and then says to the assistant, "No, this just cant be right! Ive been an expert in this field for 43 years and I still dont recognize any of these sounds."
The assistant apologizes again and lifts the needle to the next track.
The expert throws off the headphones as soon as it starts playing and is fuming with rage.
"This is outrageous false advertising! I am the worlds leading expert on European wasps and no European wasp has ever made a sound like the ones on this record!"
The manager of the shop overhears the commotion and walks over.
"What seems to be the problem, sir?"
"This is an outrage! I am the worlds leading expert on European wasps. Nobody knows more about them than I do. There is no way in hell that the sounds on that record were made by European wasps!"
The manager glances down and notices the problem instantly.
"Im terribly sorry, sir. It appears weve been playing you the bee side."

Atiku, Buhari’s manifestos will determine our votes - Northern elders
Northern Elders Council have disclosed the condition that will determine whom to support between Buhari and Atiku
The group’s chairman said the candidates’ manifestos will determine who gets their support between the duo - He said it is not appropriate to endorse candidates without knowing their clear-cut manifestos or programmes The chairman of the Northern Elders Council, Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, has said that the programmes put forward by President Muhammadu Buhari and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar would determine which of them the group would support in 2019. The Punch reports that the NEC chairman said it is premature to endorse any presidential candidate without knowing his or her manifesto. Yakasai said: “In my opinion, this is not the appropriate time to start making decisions about where the votes will go. Neither of the two candidates has published a clear-cut manifesto or programmes. I am advising that people wait for the programmes put forward by the candidates before we make our final choice.
READ ALSO: Corruption travel ban: Alleged full list of affected persons revealed “I was not even in Nigeria when the conventions of the parties took place. By the provision of the constitution of Nigeria, no organisation, other than a political party, is allowed legally to solicit for votes for any candidate. “Those who are doing it are doing it against the law. The Peoples Democratic Party did their convention with 13 aspirants and one emerged. The APC did theirs also. It is a matter for Nigerians to make up their minds to decide whom they will vote for.”
The group’s chairman said the candidates’ manifestos will determine who gets their support between the duo - He said it is not appropriate to endorse candidates without knowing their clear-cut manifestos or programmes The chairman of the Northern Elders Council, Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, has said that the programmes put forward by President Muhammadu Buhari and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar would determine which of them the group would support in 2019. The Punch reports that the NEC chairman said it is premature to endorse any presidential candidate without knowing his or her manifesto. Yakasai said: “In my opinion, this is not the appropriate time to start making decisions about where the votes will go. Neither of the two candidates has published a clear-cut manifesto or programmes. I am advising that people wait for the programmes put forward by the candidates before we make our final choice.
READ ALSO: Corruption travel ban: Alleged full list of affected persons revealed “I was not even in Nigeria when the conventions of the parties took place. By the provision of the constitution of Nigeria, no organisation, other than a political party, is allowed legally to solicit for votes for any candidate. “Those who are doing it are doing it against the law. The Peoples Democratic Party did their convention with 13 aspirants and one emerged. The APC did theirs also. It is a matter for Nigerians to make up their minds to decide whom they will vote for.”

hile addressing people at the 9th Presidential Quarterly Business Forum, Professor Yemi Osinbajo (who is also Nigeria’s Vice President), claimedthat the Federal Government has spent N1.7 trillion in capital investment in two budget years.
“I am convinced that we can crack the jobs problem and we are in the right direction. First, by investing in infrastructure; we are investing more in infrastructure today than any previous governments in our history.
“We have spent so far in two budgets, N1.7 trillion in capital investment – that is the largest in the history of the country despite earning 60 percent less; we are doing far more with far less resources,’’ said the Vice President at the State House Banquet Hall in Abuja.
The vice president said spending N1.7 trillion in capital investment is the largest in the history of the country despite earning 60 percent less.
Since Prof Osinbajo was referring to a two-year expenditure of this current administration, we verified this claim by assessing the budgetary allocation and expenditure of 2016 and 2017. This year (2018) was not included because the budget was only passed a few months ago and technically, has not been spent yet.
According to the Budget Office of the Federatio, the 2016 budget, as approved by President Buhari has an aggregate expenditure of N6,060,677,358,227 (N6 trillion) out of which N1, 587,598,122,031 (N1 trillion) was projected as capital expenditure but the total release for capital projects in 2016, according to the Accountant General, was N1,219,471,747,443 (N1.2 trillion) which translates to only 20% of the total budget size was spent on Capital Projects. Here’s a more visual way to look at this:
In 2017, a total expenditure of N7.44 trillion was passed by the National Assembly, out of which N2.99 trillion was for earmarked for non-debt recurrent spending, while N2.36 trillion was budgeted for capital expenditure, the figure which represents 31% of the entire budget.
According to official documents from the office of the accountant general, out of the N2.36 budgeted for capital expenditure in the 2017 budget, a total of N1.6 trillion was released to Ministries, Departments and Agencies for financing capital projects in the 2017 federal budget.
Going by available data on capital releases for 2016 and 2017, A total of N2.8 trillion has been spent on capital projects by the current government, a figure which is more than the N1.7 trillion quoted by the vice president, so the claim that this government have spent so far in two budgets, N1.7 trillion in capital investment is TRUE.
A previous fact check had also shown that the latter part of Mr Osinbajo’s claim that the capital release “is the largest in the history of the country” is also true if the actual figures (N1.2 trillion in 2016 and N1.6 trillion in 2017) are taken in real value. In no previous year was up to N1 trillion actually released for capital projects in a budget year!
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